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CWMP in the News

Preservation & Progress - A publication of the Gettysburg Foundation

CWMP Essay Contest deadline is extended

 We are pleased to announce that the CWMP Essay Contest deadline has been extended to 5 pm EST on Monday, February 17, 2025 (President's Day).

Additionally, eligibility has been expanded. All high school students as of the extended deadline date are now eligible to submit essays.

 The Essay Contest Winner and Honorable Mention will be notified and announced no later than 5:00 p.m. EST on Wednesday, April 9, 2025.

All other content rules, prizes, and submission requirements continue to apply.

For additional information Click here

Thank You

CWMP Board of Governors 

Live from the National Constitution Center: Juneteenth and the Fight for Abolition

Celebrate Juneteenth

Live From the Museum: Juneteenth and the Fight for Abolition

Tuesday, June 18 | Noon ET

Run time: 40 minutes

Students are invited to prepare for Juneteenth in Civil War and Reconstruction: The Battle for Freedom and Equality, as one of our museum educators leads viewers through the exhibit. Learn how constitutional clashes over slavery set the stage for the Civil War, and how the nation transformed the Constitution after the war during the Reconstruction period. Along the way, you’ll hear the stories of people central to the conflict over slavery and give you an up-close look at special artifacts on display.

Tags: Juneteenth

Lecture: “Let Love, not Hate Prevail” St. Joseph’s, Philadelphia, During the Civil War

 Philadelphia’s local Jesuit missions of the Civil War Era reveal a surprisingly pro-Union and pro-Lincoln milieu within the otherwise divided (if not pro-Confederate) Maryland Province of the Society of Jesus. This presentation will focus on St. Joseph’s “College” and “Prep,” Old St. Joseph’s Church, St. Joseph’s Hospital, and the African American outreach efforts of Fathers Felix Barbelin, SJ, and Thomas Lilly, SJ. Ultimately the community was responsible for dedicating what has been called the “most important” Catholic monument of the Civil War – the statue of Father Corby at Gettysburg.

Leo Vaccaro, a proud graduate of St. Joseph's Preparatory School, earned his BA from Gettysburg College and MA from Villanova University. He is currently completing a book project celebrating the upcoming 175th anniversary of the founding of the Prep, which focuses on the Church of the Gesù. Passionate about Civil War history, he has taught at St. Joseph's Preparatory School since 2011 and is also an adjunct at Saint Joseph's University.

Meet the Heroes of Slate Hill Cemetery - Bucks County PA by Paul Bradley

Paul F. Bradley, For the Herald

Thousands of Civil War veterans are buried in cemeteries near the well-known battlefields where they perished. Headstones typically identify the date of death, rank and unit affiliation. Many other unidentified soldiers were interred in mass graves. Battlefield preservation and research efforts continue to discover remains thought lost to changing landscapes. 

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A City Divided: The Civil War, Philadelphia, and the Union League

 A City Divided: The Civil War, Philadelphia, and the Union League is currently on display in The Sir John Templeton Heritage Center through June 2024. The Heritage Center is home to the Legacy Foundation; the space is a celebration of the rich history, heritage and traditions of The Union League of Philadelphia, and serves as a portal to the community. The Legacy Foundation encourages members, scholars, students and others to view, research and interact with the history and collections through both the rotating exhibitions and the research center. The Legacy Foundation is dedicated to the same tenets of freedom and free enterprise upon which the Union League was founded, and through historic preservation, education, and scholarship promotes these values and ideals, inspiring more educated, engaged, and responsible citizens.

Philadelphia during the American Civil War was a city divided.  Many supported the South and slavery – they openly called for Lincoln to quit the war. In this desperate moment, The Union League of Philadelphia was founded.  Its goal was to make the case that Philadelphians support Lincoln, Union, and abolition.  The success of the League created a patriotic movement that spread throughout the North and made certain that the Union would be preserved.
Public Hours:
Tuesday and Thursday, 3:00–6:00pm
Second Saturday of every month, 1:00–4:00pm
To visit during these hours, please ring the doorbell at the street level door on Broad Street.
For more information:
The Union League Legacy Foundation
The Heritage Center of the Union League
140 South Broad Street
Philadelphia, PA 19102
call: 215.587.5596
Tags: Collection

Opening in May '19: America’s First Exhibit Exploring the Constitutional Legacy of the Civil War and Reconstruction

  • Civil War and Reconstruction: The Battle for Freedom and Equality
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Civil War Museum of Philadelphia Announces Historic Agreement to Showcase World Class Collection

  • civil war museum of philadelphia and gettysburg foundation press release 05 04 16
  • Civil War Museum of Philadelphia and Gettysburg Foundation Press Release 05 04 16

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Conservation of the George Meade, Jr. Album of Union and Confederate Officers

meade conservation

meade conservation

 CCAHA Mellon Fellow Jessica Keister inpainting photographs

The Meade Album holds almost 1,400 carte-de-visite portraits of all the officers who served in the Army of the Potomac, the major Union army famous for fighting under General George G. Meade in the Battle of Gettysburg in 1863.  The album was assembled by Gen. Meade's son, also named George, who served on the General’s staff during the war. 

Collecting cartes was a popular pastime among Civil War officers, and George probably began gathering these images during the war and then worked throughout his life to complete the album, using his father’s connections to locate veterans or find information.  Underneath or next to each portrait are likely what are George’s handwritten notes, which include the officer’s name and rank and indicate whether he was injured or killed in battle.  Toward the back of one volume, George began to add cartes of Confederate officers.  These portraits were most likely collected after the war’s end, when soldiers from both sides networked and held reunions.

George, a member of the Military Order of the Loyal Legion of the United States (the organization that founded the Civil War Museum of Philadelphia in 1888), eventually gave the Meade Album to the Museum, along with other family items.  When the album arrived at the Conservation Center for Art & Historic Artifacts (CCAHA) earlier this year to receive treatment through a Save America’s Treasures grant, many of the cartes were faded and yellowed. The surface was cleaned on each of the album pages and old tapes were removed.  After mending breaks in the pages and consolidating several fragile photographs, watercolors were used to inpaint losses in the images.  Finally, each page was placed in a paper folder for storage.

To reduce future handling of the pages, each page was photographed with a digital camera. The Meade Album is the only source of images for many of the lesser-known officers in the Army of the Potomac, making it a valuable resource for Civil War researchers.

Board of Governors Announces Plans for the Future

websitecwmp ncc gf at ncc 1

websitecwmp ncc gf at ncc 1

Back row: Ed W. Clark, Superintendent, Gettysburg National Military Park
Mark Bender, CWMP Board; Craig Bashein, Gettysburg Foundation Board; Robert Kinsley, Chair, Gettysburg Foundation Board; Sharon Smith, President, CWMP; Joanne Hanley, President, Gettysburg Foundation; Jeffrey Rosen, President, National Constitution Center; and Oliver St. Clair Franklin, Chair, CWMP Board

The leadership of the Civil War Museum, the Gettysburg Foundation, the Gettysburg National Military Park, and the National Constitution Center met in the Signers Gallery at NCC after working on plans to develop a partnership. The outline of the final plan will transfer the CWMP collection to the Gettysburg Foundation and support NCC’s efforts to develop a new exhibit on the Civil War and the Constitution.

Bells Across The Land

liberty bell

liberty bell

Oliver St. Clair Franklin at Bells Across the Land, the National Park Service commemoration of the 150th anniversary of the April 9, 1865 surrender at Appomattox. On April 9, 2015, Oliver St. Clair Franklin, the Chair of the Board of Governors of the Civil War Museum of Philadelphia, spoke at the National Park Services’ nationwide Bells Across the Land ceremony at the Liberty Bell in Philadelphia. Chairman Franklin reminded the audience that it was our founding values of freedom, equality, liberty and union that brought us to war 150 years ago and that the work continues to define and realize the promise of these central tenets that shape our nation. Surrounded by reenactors, others in period garb, and NPS staff, Franklin symbolically “rang” the Liberty Bell.


Framed by the Liberty Bell, Oliver Franklin joined Cynthia MacLeod, Superintendent of Independence National Historical Park, at the conclusion of the four minutes of the ringing of the Centennial Bell in the tower of Independence Hall.

Conserving soldier Carlton Birch's Record in War

    • Birch's Record in War after treatment (10.061)
    • After-treatment image of an albumen photograph from soldier Carlton Birch's "Record in War"

    • Birch's Record in War after treatment (10.061)
    • After-treatment image of a manuscript from soldier Carlton Birch's "Record in War"

    • birch record in war 10 061 bt 7
    • Manuscript from soldier Carlton Birch's "Record in War", before conservation treatment

    • birch record in war 10 061 bt 59
    • Manuscript from soldier Carlton Birch's "Record in War", before conservation treatment

    • birch record in war 10 061 bt 41
    • Drawing from soldier Carlton Birch's "Record in War", before conservation treatment

    • birch record in war 10 061 bt 42
    • Drawing from soldier Carlton Birch's "Record in War", before conservation treatment

    • birch record in war 10 061 bt 46
    • Drawing from soldier Carlton Birch's "Record in War", before conservation treatment (caption reads "Illustration of my last nights dream after visiting Gen Meades Headquarters")

    • birch record in war 10 061 bt 51
    • Manuscript from soldier Carlton Birch's "Record in War", before conservation treatment.  Birch drew a "hasty sketch of my present quarters" for this letter to his uncle.

    • birch record in war 10 061 bt 11
    • Manuscript (with drawings depicting wartime scenes) from soldier Carlton Birch's "Record in War", before conservation treatment

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Carlton Birch created an extensive account of his day-to-day life serving as a soldier in the Civil War through the letters, notes, and small drawings he sent to his family.  A Michigan native, Birch originally enlisted in the First Michigan Volunteer Infantry Regiment, then transferred to a Pennsylvania unit.  Although little is known about Birch’s history, this transfer may have occurred because Birch’s wife spent the war at her family’s home in Philadelphia, the destination of many of Birch’s letters.

Record in War, a collection of 31 manuscripts, consists of these letters, notes, and drawings, as well as four albumen photographs (one a carte-de-viste portrait of Birch, another a portrait of sculptor J.A. Baille) and an ivory miniature portrait.   With hinges along just one side so that the backs may be viewed, the manuscripts and photographs are mounted to support pages, which are bound into a scrapbook.

Since the time they were written, the manuscripts had discolored due to contact with the acidic scrapbook pages.  Many letters were creased, and several had losses and tears, some of which someone once repaired with paper tapes.  The brown ink Birch occasionally used had faded.  Overall, the letters were moderately soiled and stained.  Fortunately, through a Save America’s Treasures grant, the Civil War Museum of Philadelphia was able to conserve Record in War at the Conservation Center for Art & Historic Artifacts (CCAHA) in Philadelphia, PA.

CCAHA conservators surface cleaned the manuscripts and photographs with white vinyl erasers to reduce dirt and grime.  They sprayed the manuscripts with ethanol to protect the inks during treatment before washing the manuscripts in several baths of calcium-enriched deionized water to reduce discoloration and remove water-soluble degradation products.  Tears were mended, losses bridged, and weak areas reinforced with various toned mulberry papers and wheat starch paste.  Then the manuscripts were humidified and pressed into plane.

View before-and after-treatment images (as well as examples of Birch’s drawings) in the slideshow above.

Save America's Treasures

    • Grant presentation sword AT (1)
    • General Ulysses S. Grant's presentation sword, after treatment

    • donaldson letters 10 063 3 bt 70
    • The Army letters of Francis Adams Donaldson, vol. 3, which describe events, people, places and gossip in the Army of the Potomac from 1862-1864 (before conservation treatment)
    • birch record in war 10 061 bt 9
    • Albumen photograph from soldier Carlton Birch's "Record in War", before conservation treatment
    • meade album at 70
    • Page from the George Meade, Jr. Album of Union and Confederate Soldiers, after conservation treatment
    • Maj Gen Meade uniform frock coat (86.13.32)
    • Uniform frock coat of Maj. Gen. George G. Meade

    • Maj Gen Meade slouch hat (86.13.33)
    • Slouch hat of Maj. Gen. George G. Meade

    • Meade eyeglasses AT (1)
    • The eyeglasses of General George Gordon Meade, after conservation treatment 

    • Davis smoking jacket (86.20.8)
    • Smoking jacket of Confederate President Jefferson Davis found in his luggage after his capture during the attempt to flee Richmond.

    • Independence Hall Lincoln flag
    • A fragment of the flag that President Lincoln raised at Independence Hall in Philadelphia on February 22, 1861

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In 2009, the Civil War Museum of Philadelphia began an extensive project to conserve material in the Museum’s collection thanks to a generous $150,000 grant from the federal “Save America’s Treasures” grant program along with matching funds from the William Penn Foundation. The two-year project will conserve and rehouse high priority items, including manuscripts, photographs, paintings, flags, uniforms, and weapons of the Union officers who founded the Museum in the 19th century.

Save America’s Treasures aims to preserve the important and irreplaceable physical reminders of America’s history, ensuring that future generations may learn from and enjoy them.  In awarding funds to the Civil War Museum of Philadelphia, the Institute of Museum and Library Services (IMLS) recognized the Museum’s collection of Civil War documents and artifacts as one of the finest in the country.

The Museum partnered with the Conservation Center for Art & Historic Artifacts to design and manage the project.  Treatment has been completed on the Tiffany-created sword presented to General Ulysses S. Grant by his officers after the Union victory at Vicksburg, along with its elegant ebony case; General George Gordon Meade’s topographical and presentation swords; and General John F. Reynolds’s sword belt.  Preservation of extraordinary first-person accounts of troop movements, battles, concerns about family and the home front, and trenchant observations of politics in the Union Army are captured in the newly conserved letters from Francis Adams Donaldson, the journals kept by Carlton Birch and the Maj. George Meade, Jr., Album of Union and Confederate Officers, the most complete photographic record of the Union army.  Treatment is currently underway on General Meade’s frock coat, slouch hat, and sash; on sashes that belonged to Grant and Reynolds; and on Confederate President Jefferson Davis’s smoking jacket.

Established by Executive Order in 1998, Save America’s Treasures is administered through a public-private partnership that includes the National Trust for Historic Preservation, the National Park Service, the President’s Committee on the Arts and Humanities, and the federal cultural agencies: IMLS, the National Endowment for the Arts, and the National Endowment for the Humanities.  Grants are awarded through a competitive process and require a dollar-for-dollar match.  IMLS is administering the grant for the Civil War Museum of Philadelphia; click here to read IMLS’s press release for the award announcement.