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Conservation of the George Meade, Jr. Album of Union and Confederate Officers

meade conservation

meade conservation

 CCAHA Mellon Fellow Jessica Keister inpainting photographs

The Meade Album holds almost 1,400 carte-de-visite portraits of all the officers who served in the Army of the Potomac, the major Union army famous for fighting under General George G. Meade in the Battle of Gettysburg in 1863.  The album was assembled by Gen. Meade's son, also named George, who served on the General’s staff during the war. 

Collecting cartes was a popular pastime among Civil War officers, and George probably began gathering these images during the war and then worked throughout his life to complete the album, using his father’s connections to locate veterans or find information.  Underneath or next to each portrait are likely what are George’s handwritten notes, which include the officer’s name and rank and indicate whether he was injured or killed in battle.  Toward the back of one volume, George began to add cartes of Confederate officers.  These portraits were most likely collected after the war’s end, when soldiers from both sides networked and held reunions.

George, a member of the Military Order of the Loyal Legion of the United States (the organization that founded the Civil War Museum of Philadelphia in 1888), eventually gave the Meade Album to the Museum, along with other family items.  When the album arrived at the Conservation Center for Art & Historic Artifacts (CCAHA) earlier this year to receive treatment through a Save America’s Treasures grant, many of the cartes were faded and yellowed. The surface was cleaned on each of the album pages and old tapes were removed.  After mending breaks in the pages and consolidating several fragile photographs, watercolors were used to inpaint losses in the images.  Finally, each page was placed in a paper folder for storage.

To reduce future handling of the pages, each page was photographed with a digital camera. The Meade Album is the only source of images for many of the lesser-known officers in the Army of the Potomac, making it a valuable resource for Civil War researchers.